Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I guess four green peppers is my limit. Good to know.

Last night I planned on going to the grocery store. I made my list and was ready to go. Then I started feeling exhausted and decided that it might be better if Joe went instead. This meant specifying each item on the list with quantity and type. On my list was written, "1 red bell pepper, 1 orange or yellow bell pepper." I thought this was specific enough, but boy was I wrong. Joe came home with three green bell peppers. Maybe if we didn't already have two green bell peppers, maybe if I was feeling better, and maybe if I wasn't a crazy, hormonal pregnant woman could I have held it together, but five green bell peppers was just too much for me to handle.

Joe: Because they were on sale and the other ones weren't.
Me: But we already have two! What am I going to do with FIVE green peppers?!
Joe: I don't know.
Me: I don't get why you bought these? We don't need them and I specifically said "red" and "orange or yellow."
Joe: They're the same thing!
Me: No they're not! Are you crazy?
Joe: Yes, they are.
Me: If what you mean is that you pick the green ones earlier than the red ones, then yeah. But they are different. That's why they cost different amounts and that's why they taste different and look different.
Joe: Well, they were only ninety-nine cents.
Me: That's a total of three dollars. If you would have gotten one red and one yellow it would have only been a two dollars and sixty cents.
Joe: Whatever.
Me: Jesus Christ.

So it's a day later and we're still not over this. Joe wants to do a taste test (which I am happy to do) because he doesn't think there is a difference. I tried to explain to him that it's like grapes and raisins. They ARE the same thing, but not really. If a recipe calls for raisins, you don't use grapes. In the mean time, does anyone have any recipes that require five green peppers?