Monday, January 18, 2010

Sorry, Wilford Brimley

I failed the glucose tolerance test. After all that confusion, I could have drank the damn cup of coffee with real sugar and it wouldn't have mattered. I don't know why I failed but I did. I could attribute it to the fact that I ate jalapeno poppers and other unhealthy things the night before, but it's all moot anyway. The nurse called me Friday morning to tell me that I had to take a second test that is three hours long, and you have to have your blood drawn four times throughout the test. And you are a prisoner in the St. Joseph's Medical Center basement. Wow? That sounds great. I thought I was getting spoiled with the pelvic bone pain and terrible heartburn. I figured I'd get this thing over with sooner rather than later, so I went in on Monday morning. For 14 hours prior, you can't eat or drink anything other than sips of water. That means no poppers. That part wasn't so bad, since I was asleep most of the time. What was bad is that as soon as you get there, they draw your blood. Then they give you a whole bottle of the gross orange syrup that you have to drink for the first test, then only being a tiny cupful. I chugged it. The nurse was impressed. She even commented on how I didn't even have to stop to take a breath. This ain't my first rodeo, lady. Normally it's a mixed drink when I'm being rushed to leave to go to a different bar. So I sat there for three hours, doing the Star Tribune crossword, reading a book, and occasionally watching Law and Order SVU. (Ice-T is a terrible actor by the way.) No internet on my phone because I was in a virtual dungeon. I shouldn't complain because it wasn't THAT bad. As soon as I got home I immediately ate a piece of leftover Domino's Pizza. It's still not that good. Oh and if you're wondering about the "new" taste, they changed everything but what I don't like about it, the mushy cheese. Anyway, now I have heartburn again, but I do have good news. I passed the test! No ordering diabetes supplies from our good friend Wilford Brimley! I think I'll go pour myself a glass of straight Hershey's Syrup and toast to passing the test. Who knows, I might even cross the nurse who told me I looked "full term" and asked if I was positive there was "only one in there" off of my To Kill list. We'll see.


Kate! said...

you spelled "diabeetus" wrong. also that nurse needs some kind of comeuppance!

lacey said...

you kill me! too funny! gald you passed and that nurse sounds like a B! never say that to a pregnant lady-she should know that!

Emily Netland said...

hahha. love it! ...PS, that test is SUCH a pain!!!

Acala said...

The test wouldn't have been so bad if you didn't have to get your blood drawn so often in such a short period of time. And yes, that nurse should have known better, especially since she'd been pregnant before!